Firstly exciting news to report that we'll be releasing our first single "Drunk Drive" at the end of April! Its been a long time coming but can't wait to unleash this one on you guys. We finished filming the video a couple of weekends ago at our rehearsal studio in Surrey and its in the editing stage at the mo, but what we've seen is looking awesome! Also did a new photoshoot with photographer Amber Dixon which we will be putting up the results of very soon. Somewhere on my camera I have some "behind the scenes" esque photos from these things, but at the moment I can't find my connecting cable thing so you'll have to wait for those gems!
We've been having a drive to get out of playing London recently, as we've been deafening people here for nearly 5 years now (we were 15 when we started mind, its not just that we're shit! Honest.....) and so are itching to sell ourselves somewhere else for once. On the back of this I've got some very very VERY exciting news. Yes people in the coming month we will be playing two special gigs in *drum roll please*.........EAST GRINSTEAD! and TRURO!
I know I know, how did we get gigs in these metropolitan and happening areas? I'm actually not sure, but my mate Dave told me that apparently people actually live there, and so entertain them we will! (all those that aren't busy doing that country shiz)
In other news we did an interview for the lovely Natalie at No No CoCo which you can see HERE. Have a look, its kinda funny. We haven't done that many interviews and were pretty worried we were gonna come out sounding about as interesting as your Nan's mate Margaret from Pontyfrid. To combat this we basically talked about nothing. It worked a treat! Go see for yourself anyway, and check out her other posts cos basically Nat's a babe and we love her.
Hmm to end this off I'm gonna leave you with an idea of the wonderful place I live in. For those of you that don't know, I actually live in Brockley, South East London. Its rather jazzy cos its actually quite nice and doesn't cost you an arm and seven dwarves to live in. However on my journey back from Uni today I saw two things which rather summed up the ethos of South London to me. And now yes, whether you like it or not, I will share them with you.

Who the hell eats Eels with Pie and Mash????

Only in this area would someone name their cat 'KILLA'. what? It looks so cute too. If the name is anything to go by though, this is one kitty we're not gonna want to find again.