Wednesday 18 January 2012

Making a Stand

As a band is it most definitely expected of us that we should be political and stand up for the under dog.

(or ‘fight for the right to party’… we’re unsure which is morally more worthy)

Therefore after recently agreeing to donate a generous £1 a month to Wikipedia,
only to discover that they’re having a Wiki-Black Out as a protest against US web piracy,

I wondered what would happen if JF joined the protest… and did a 24/hr Blog blackout!

 I posted the below.

 … in all truth the response wasn’t as dramatic as I’d hoped

We failed to make the METRO front page or even the South London Press.
Sorry Wikipedia you're on your own.

Jenners Field, Making a stand!... a small unnoticed one.

-JF- x

Friday 13 January 2012

Still sober

So I think a happy new year is in order....maybe a merry Christmas. Or whatever...either way...we find ourselves in January..its getting colder... and for some reason ..hollywood has decided to love up Maggy Thatcher (thats Maggy Fatbitch to you and me)...well ...having said that...i haven’t aaactually seen the movie myself....But have watched the trailors and read some reviews so I feel I am pretty well informed....
Infact..... I thought Streep can’t fill in the yawning gaps in her character as written, and so she doesn’t even reach the level of her work in Julie and Julia *Cough* ... aaaaaaaaaand I TOTALLY and agree with Jamie Thomas 22, of Claypool Court, South Shields when he said “I thought Meryl Streep was fantastic in Mama Mia”....*COUGH COUGH*

But now to something which I did see....The other day when we played the wonderful Paris is Burning (thanks to all of those who came, it was a really good night) this girl Dede opened the show, and she was REALLY good....cant wait to see more of her. This song is great!!!!

Still sober by thisisdede

we have a couple of new songs in pipeline which we are very excited about......aaand are at the last step in completing.....!!!!....here is a visual representation of what it should sound like

Candy to your ears!!!!

Danilo - JF -