So apologies for not posting in a little while, I promise we have been super busy getting ourselves back into tip top shape for the shows coming up......very exciting! Maybe its just me........... Actually no its not just me, look at all these people....
Yes guys......thats the new 2010 Coalition Cabinet. They're pretty fucking psyched about it.
Aaaaaanyway, i thought we'd start a new little blog trend called 'Band Members Through Time' or 'BMTT' for short (yea i did just make that name up on the spot, and yea its a bit lame but I can't really be bothered to work out anything better). So basically the rules are: I post pictures of when members were young and then predict what they're gonna look like when they're older. Hooray! Doesn't this sound awesome? Hmmm......yea i thought so.
And to start us off today we have JED!
Isn't he just too cute?? Uh huh yes this is little Jethro pretending to be Superman. But quite frankly who doesn't want to be Superman? I still want to be Superman......
Next we're moving on a little in JK Sticksman's life. Imagine the year 2006, Frodo Jed is 14 years old, hes out on the town.....eyeing the ladies........
If he was here now i would ask him WHY? WHY OH WHY OH WHY?
Right anyway, so back to the task in hand. I've got my special super secret NASA 'what-your-gonna-look-like-when-you're-older' machine with me here, and it'll now work its magic (cue some sort of doctor who based theme tune). And hey presto! Heres the verdict........
By age 40 Jethro Kellett of Jenners Field will look like this:
And by 85 he will most probably (tbh guys its pretty accurate) look something like this:
Yup! You got it! By the age of 85 our little Jethro is going to be the most pierced man in the world. Now that. is an achievement.
In other news this week Jenners Field are finally returning to the live circuit! We are headlining Paris is Burning at the Lexington in Angel on Saturday night (9th October). We're really exciting for this, its a great night organised by some old friends of ours and this months event is in aid of Oxfam, which makes it eeeeeeven better.
I'm told there'll be three bands plus Djs and we'll be on at 10pm. Price is £6 on the door or free if you make a donation to Oxfam you get to be charitable AND watch us play! So lucky, no?
Check out the facebook event here and tell us you're attending (cos you obvs are!).
And this one that we made cos we love to be different
(its not very different really but this way you get to say you're attending TWO events, and therefore make yourself seem more popular!)
Oh and also we'll be doing a very special free track giveaway for anyone who wants to give us a cheeky email address. Yes soooo many things for us all to get jiggy about!
There will be more posts later this week in the run up to the gig, so keep checking back...but in the meantime there is one lesson we can all learn from this; never give me an embarrassing photo of yourself.
Love you guys!