Just got back from a raaaather enlightening trip to West Croydon. Anyone who has ever been to aforementioned place will know that it's the urban equivalent of 'that-fox-who-crapped-on-the-doorstep-last-week-so-when-you-took-the-rubbish-out-you-stepped-in-it'. Generally when that happens, one would make a face rather like this...

And that my friends is the exact expression I made throughout my two hour round trip. Now back in the safety of my dining room I can reflect on the experience, and particularly some advice a tramp gave to me whilst I was parking my car. He said "you know son, I'm going to give you some advice.....the police here, they don't like you drinkin' alcohol on the street.....so what I do is go to McDonalds, get a drinks cup and pour my Special Brew into it...that way they never know!". He then proudly raised his concealed prize, farted, and wandered off. Well I must say thank you trampy man for showing me all that Croydon has to offer.
In lighter news its only a few days left till our Brighton gig supporting Lucy Rose. We're super psyched to be playing with her as she's SO BLOODY GOOD. Here's a little video of hers to give you a taster, but if you're in the Brighton area on Saturday night come and check her out at The Hope, and then oh yea you can watch us play before too!

ALSO we've announced a London headline show at the Camden Barfly on August 16th. More info will follow on this, but basically we're just really happy because we get a HUGE DRESSING ROOM and also FREE BEER. Why else does anyone ever join a band???
Laurie -JF-
p.s. have you bought our single 'Drunk Drive'? If no then GO GET IT NOW. If yes then we are forever in your debt (well in fact to the total of 79p but I thought that sounded better)