Some photos and vids will no doubt be materialising soon and will be posted up here as soon as I get hold of them. In the meantime I thought I'd put up the flyer from the night which was only actually made two days before the gig, hence why it didn't go in the last post. Its bloody awesome though! Courtesy of Sash V Zyryaev......

Yes that is David Cameron, and yes he has a dick as a nose. Cool.
Also this week I did an interview with the lovely Sarah at Models1 and they have featured Jenners Field on the Models1 blog for all the world to see! Have a look for yourself.......
I may at some point repost the whole thing on here, but tbh its 3am and I need sleep!
In a last piece of breaking news we have been confirmed to play Bip Ling's infamous night 'THE HOW' at the Macbeth in Hoxton on the 10th December! Apparently they don't usually have bands on the night so we're pretty psyched for this one. You can check out Bip's blog HERE. Will have more details to follow soon.....
But until then, heres a cat having printer issues........
Laurie -JF-
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